Here’s The Real Reason You’re Not Making Sales 

Written By Helen Walker

So many people hear the word sales and want to run away and hide! 

They think sales is some magical formula or they’re just not born to sell, both are untrue! 

But there are 5 common mistakes that people make when it comes to sales! 

5 mistakes that make selling impossible! 

1. Not knowing who you’re selling to! 

Stop trying to sell to everyone, get clear on who you help and focus on that single person! 

No point putting all your eggs in one basket right? 

Well actually, I strongly urge you to find a small basket and put every one of your eggs in it! 

Find a niche and understand everything you possibly can about that person! 

 What problems are they experiencing? 

 What’s keeping them up at night? 

 What solution are they looking for? 

When you talk to your niche, often referred to as your ideal client, you can talk directly to them in a way that resonates! In a way that hits home and makes them take action! In a way that makes then want to buy (so you don’t have to convince them and feel like a sleazy car salesman) 

When you try to sell to anyone your message is so broad, it’s vanilla and nobody is listening! So get really specific on who you help and I guarantee you’ll make more sales. 

2. You don’t know what transformation your product or service delivers

Another common mistake I see people make all the time is selling the features rather than

the benefits! 

Nobody cares how many sessions or workbooks you receive, they don’t care about the ins

and outs of your product or service. People care about what’s in it for them! 

They care about the solution, the transformation, the difference that your product or service

creates. Which is why you have to be super clear on the outcomes of your product or service! 

Think about what it is that will make that person sign up and buy from you right there and

then. What solution are you offering? 

When you know the problem your ideal client faces, creating a product or service thatdelivers a solution they want is easy! Then your job is to communicate that solution to your ideal client in a way that makes them buy.


3. You don’t have a sales process 

Someone bites, they’re interested in what you're promoting and at last you have a chance to

speak with them so you can convert their interest into a sale! 

The higher your conversion rate, the more sales you make! 

Yet so many people get on sales calls and fall to pieces! 

They panic, don’t have a clue what to say, end up saying the wrong thing and the prospect

ends the call with the heart breaking words…

Let me think about it!

Of course they hang up, they don’t think about it and they don’t buy anything! 

You never hear from them again! 

That’s because you don’t have a sales process that works! 

You don’t know how to structure your calls and your questions in a way that triggers your

prospect to think deep about their problem! (if you can’t identify their real problem, you won’t

make a sale) 

You don’t create any urgency in your questioning, so the prospect ends the call without


And you don’t help your prospect visualise what life will be like once they have finished

working with you or purchased your product! 

Having an effective sales process that is unique to you, your ideal client, your business and

the product or service you offer is key! 

A process that you can reuse and create the same positive results each time! 

Without a sales process you’ll always be winging it, some days you’ll land a sale, (but have

no idea how you managed it) but most days your client won’t be convinced you can help! 

Which means a low conversion rate, a lack of sales, leaving you feeling massively


4. You’re not talking about your offers 

I see this so often, people complain that they’re not making enough sales. I’ll always ask

them what activities they do on a daily basis to drive sales. 

Their answers often involve things like posting content on social media, providing a tip or

hack online, updating their website, or creating a promotional post. 

Yet so few people actually talk about their programmes, products and offers. 

They fear it’s too salesy and wait for people to approach them first. 

This sales tactic doesn’t work. 

Think about the big retail giants, Apple, Coke, Amazon… 

Do they wait until you’re ready to buy, or do they continually talk about their offers? 

They do that so they are top of mind when you’re ready to buy. 

If you don’t talk about your offers, you will not sell anything, plain and simple! 

5. You’re always selling 

Selling is a real art form that everyone in business must master. 

The fact is, we’re always selling, whether if be our products and services or an idea. 

To a client or customer, a colleague at work, your partner or kids… you’re always selling,

you just don’t realise. 

However, if you want people to buy your products and services without the hustle of making

people buy, you need to focus on creating relationships. 

Get to know your audience, your potential clients before you make a pitch and ask them to

buy anything. 

People buy from people and people they like. 

So make them like you first. 

The way you do that, is to make it all about them. 

Find out what your potential clients problems are, what are they struggling with, what

support do they need? 

Share your own struggles and story and show them what’s possible. 

Creating relationships is a skill and one that you must learn! 

Otherwise you might make a few one of sales, but you won’t build a sustainable business! 

For more help on how to close more sales, follow me on Instagram for daily sales advice.


5 Ways To Make More Sales (and be better at negotiations)


The Surprising Truth - How To Be Great At Selling and Negotiations!